
breakthrough Package

Let your Passion & Purpose Guide you.

About this Package

This package includes the discovery package + passion and purpose mapping with Benay Dyor.

Passion mapping, career and personality profiling, career pathway planning, goal setting, tools and resources for success.

Discovery Package 4 x 1hr sessions over four weeks.


Passion & Purpose Mapping 4 x 1hr sessions over four weeks.

8 Weeks $1400

Investigate, Discover, Plan and Connect.

Self Reflection

Self Reflection through a comprehensive workbook.

Creative Experience

Hands on constructive exploration to  discover passions.   


Utilising your understanding of your passion to discover your purpose.


Understanding your current employment / educational situation.


Career personality testing and profiling to gain optimal insight into healthy career pathways.


Critical evaluation of the best possible career, micro-skills and educational opportunities.


Planning session on roadmap and career path as well as goals and milestones.


Delivery of the compilation of outcomes of sessions into an easy to follow career map.

30 Day Check-In

30 day check-in to determine areas of success and areas in need of further attention.


Passion Mapping

You will receive a 35 page workbook that helps you explore what you love and what lights you up the most. It’s a week of reflection and exploration for you. 

You will bring your conclusions of this week to our first meeting in Week 2.

Building on week one, we come together in a video call and go deep into your passions. We purge the “should s” and find the truest, most resonant essence of your passionate self. 

My role as facilitator is not to change you, it’s to insure you’re being honest with your soul.

We come together again online. This time focusing on you experiencing your passions at the cellular level.

In this online meeting you’ll work from a highly creative, receptive and activated space. You’ll experience your future self living in alignment with your passions and gain clarity on your next steps.

Every client receives a closing pack with their personality profile, optimal career choices, suitable study pathways and an overview of their short and long term goals.

A scheduled check-in occurs 30 days after delivery for reflection, additional guidance and support. This service is included in the package at no extra cost.

Discovery Package

Investigative session on career, life, mental health and financial well-being.

Profiling session to determine optimal career outcomes most suited to your individual personality and character.

Examination and investigation of educational pathways, micro-skills and other opportunities. Short and long term goal setting.

Planning session, goal setting & establishing the next steps.

Every client receives a closing pack with their personality profile, optimal career choices, suitable study pathways and an overview of their short and long term goals.

A scheduled check-in occurs 30 days after delivery for reflection, additional guidance and support. This service is included in the package at no extra cost.

Your Career is more important than your job.

Career advice provides you with career management skills vital to your lifelong career journey. I am committed to helping you plan ahead, clarify your career direction and assist you with your pathway, decisions and employment opportunities.

career advice